Herbert Green Academic Honesty Policy
It is very important that parents and students understand the expectations for academic honesty. All student work should be the work of that student. No copying or plagiarism is acceptable. If quoting others in academic material, students must cite their sources. Give credit where credit is due. All students must follow individual teacher test rules for what is allowable. This ensures that a student’s success is based on honesty.
The Governing Board believes that academic honesty and personal integrity are fundamental components of a student’s education and character development. The board expects that students will not cheat, lie, plagiarize or commit other acts of academic dishonesty. Students, parents/guardians, staff and administrators shall be responsible for creating and maintaining a positive school climate that encourages honesty. Students found to have committed an act of academic dishonesty shall be subject to district and school-site discipline rules (BP 5131.9).
Academic Dishonesty (Cheating/Plagiarism) includes the following:
Using, or attempting to use, any kind of unauthorized means of gaining an unfair advantage on quizzes, tests, or assignments.
Using someone else’s words, work, and/or ideas and claiming them as your own.
Intentionally helping or attempting to help another to participate in academic dishonesty.
Examples of Academic Dishonesty include, but are not limited to:
Copying assignments or allowing another student to copy assignments.
Looking at another’s test or quiz or allowing another student to look at your test or quiz.
Sending, receiving, or using information or any electronic device (such as a computer, cell phone, calculator, etc.) during a test or quiz.
Possession or use of unauthorized materials obtained from any source, including notes written on body parts or clothing during a test/quiz.
Talking, signaling, and/or passing information during a test or quiz.
Changing an answer after work has been graded, then presenting it as an originally correct answer.
Purposefully scoring a paper incorrectly.
Discussing or providing information about a quiz or test with students who have not yet completed the assessment.
Retaining, copying, possessing, using, or circulating previously given examination materials, where those materials were to be returned to the instructor at the conclusion of the examination for the use by another student.
Using text as your own or another’s ideas from an encyclopedia, book, textbook, website, database, or any other source without citation.
Allowing another person to do your work, then submitting that work under your own name.
Reporting an incorrect run time or reporting a run time when the required run was not completed.
Consequences include, but are not limited to:
Referral to the office
Parents notified
Minimum 1-hour detention
Loss of merits
Teacher discretion regarding the credit earned on the assignment