The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) is the statewide assessment system used by California public schools. CAASPP provides information that can be used to monitor student progress and ensure that all students leave our district high school ready for college and career. All MLUSD students in grades 3-8 will participate in CAASPP testing beginning in spring 2022.

Parent resources for the Smarter Balanced Assessment can be found on the following websites:


PARENT GUIDE - Grades 3-5

PARENT GUIDE - Grades 6-8


The CAASPP/SBAC have opened their Practice Tests for students and parents. We encourage you to use this website to view the Practice Tests questions (click here).


CAASPP Parent Guides

Parent Gateway to Understanding the Scores can be found at the link TEST SCORE GUIDE AND INFORMATION WEBSITE.

AB 1466 - Restraint and Seclusion Data

On October 8, 2023, Governor Newsom signed Assembly Bill (AB) 1466 into law to increase transparency in schools. This law requires all local educational agencies (LEAs) to post the same data on restraint and seclusion that they already report annually to the California Department of Education (CDE).

Mother Lode Union School District’s Restraint and Seclusion Data can be found on the CDE website.