Volunteer Clearance Process
Live Scan (Fingerprinting)
Criminal background checks are conducted utilizing your fingerprints which are submitted through a computerized "Live Scan" process (your fingerprints do not need to be inked). The scanned fingerprints are sent to the State of California Department of Justice (DOJ).
Livescan clearance obtained through MLUSD is valid indefinitely provided that:
Volunteer remains in good standing
Volunteer maintains continuous (year to year) volunteer service, and
Volunteer submits a new/renewal volunteer application each school year. A break in continuous service may require submission of all-volunteer documents and completion of a new Live Scan clearance process at the volunteer's expense.
"Request for Live Scan Services" form can be picked up at the Indian Creek or Herbert Green School Site.
$32.00 Department of Justice processing fee (check made payable to MLUSD). This covers the fee billed to MLUSD by the Department of Justice.
Below is a list of Live Scan processing providers (fees can vary) and is at the expense of the volunteer.
$40.00 - El Dorado County Office of Education (530-622-7130)
$20.00 - Placerville Police Department (530-642-5210)
Additional locations can be found on the CA DOJ website: Live Scan Locations
Volunteer will need the following information at the time of processing a Live Scan:
Live Scan Request form
A valid Driver License or DMV Identification Card
Payment by cash, check, debit, or credit card (verify with processing center the payment method accepted)
A Live Scan clearance can sometimes take several weeks. It is vitally important that prospective volunteers submit their fingerprints well in advance of all activities requiring clearance. At the beginning of the school year, the process may take longer due to the volume of parent/community volunteers.