Measure C - General Information

Measure C Press Release
Measure C
Thanks to our generous community support, Measure C was approved by the voters residing within the boundaries of Mother Lode Union School District (MLUSD) on June 7th, 2016.
Passage of the Measure authorized the District to issue $7,500,000 in bonds.
At the time of the election, the best estimate of the highest tax rate to be levied would not exceed $19.00 per $100,000 in assessed valuation on taxable property within the district boundaries. This estimate has not changed.
The basis of Measure C was to improve student safety, campus security, access for students with disabilities, and pick up and drop off zones to reduce traffic congestion; replace, repair and update aging classrooms and school facilities, including repairing deteriorating roofs, plumbing and electrical systems; remove asbestos and lead paint; and improve instructional technology and educational opportunities for students, shall the Mother Lode Union School District issue $7,500,000 in bonds at legal rates, with independent oversight, no money for administrators, and all funds used locally.