For useful resources related to the coronavirus that are constantly being updated, please see the following:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
California Department of Public Health
El Dorado County Public Health
Resource for When and How to Wash Hands:
Please speak with your children about proper hand washing techniques and encourage them to also follow the guidelines for preventing the spread of germs.
Health Notice
Steps for Preventing the Spread of Coronavirus:
Clean your hands often with soap and water, or hand sanitizer if those are unavailable
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
Avoid close contact with those who are sick - this protects you, as well as the people around you who may be more at risk if they were to get ill
Stay at home if you are sick, except to get medical care. If you believe you may have the coronavirus, remember to call ahead if possible to allow the medical facility to prepare for your arrival
Cover coughs and sneezes. Remember!
Use the inside of your elbow or
Use a tissue, and throw the used tissue immediately in the trash
Immediately wash your hands
Use a face mask if you are sick or going to a public space. Remember!
CDC recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies), especially in areas of significant community-based transmission.Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. This includes tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, and sinks. If surfaces are dirty, clean them using detergent or soap and water prior to disinfection.
Mother Lode School District's school nurse, Kristi Nichols, RN, is available for consultation or questions.
Kristi Nichols, School Nurse
Health Services
The Mother Lode Union School District is proud to have a school nurse as a member of the student support service team. The school nurse is shared by all schools and provides a variety of health services including vision and hearing screenings, scoliosis screening, and monitoring of student medications.
Kristi Nichols, District School Nurse
Stephanie Mason, Nursing Specialist
School Nursing Health Forms & Information
Oral Health Requirement
State law requires that students receive an oral health assessment no later than May 31st of their first year of school enrollment.
California law requires schools to assess and report annually the immunization status of their students in kindergarten and seventh grade. For the most up to date immunization requirements please review the California Department of Public Health’s website or contact your child’s school office.
El Dorado Smiles Dental Van
The Dental Van is currently not in operation. More information will be shared once it is available.
Dental Van Consent Form - English & Spanish
MLUSD Medication at School
California Department of Public Health’s Parents Guide to Head Lice Brochure (English) (Spanish)
Oral Health Requirement
El Dorado Community HUB, Community Hubs offer classes, groups, and activities for expectant parents and families with children ages 0-18. They are staffed by a team of family engagement, literacy and health specialists and located in Cameron Park and the Placerville Library. Call or Text (833) 322- 4827.
El Dorado Community Health Centers
State law requires that students receive an oral health assessment no later than May 31st of their first year of school enrollment.
Choices for Children, Nutrition training and support in obtaining childcare.
Mental Health Information & Community Resources
The Mother Lode Union School District is committee to the successful education of every student. This includes a student’s academic, behavioral, and social and emotional education. As a result, MLUSD provides access to educationally related mental health supports and services to students. The supports and services are provided in a multi-tiered system of support which includes universal, designated, and individualized supports.
MLUSD staff are committed to creating a culture of kindness and respect, where students are treated warmly in a safe and supportive environment. Our instructional staff utilize a distinguished, evidence-based, social and emotional learning, and discipline program, Caring School Community, to promote positive behavior through direct teaching of responsibility, empathy, and cooperation, creating a setting where students feel heard, known, and cared for. This instruction is provided to all MLUSD students.
Approximately 10% of our student population require social and emotional supports, beyond the Caring School Community instruction, in order to achieve success at school. These students are identified in collaboration with families, instructional staff, school site administration, and community partners. Based on student needs, our school counselor designs and implements small social skills groups which provides more intensive direct teaching and practice of the core SEL competencies: (1) self-awareness, (2) self-management, (3) responsible decision making, (4) relationships skills. and (5) social awareness.
MLUSD also provides educationally related mental health services to students who are found eligible through the special education eligibility process. These services are provided by individuals who have obtained the appropriate credentialing or licensure, as determined by the California Teacher Credentialing Commission.
Beyond, educationally related mental health supports on campus, there are a number of community-based organizations which provide mental health supports and services to MLUSD families. Below are links to these organizations. Please note: This list may not be exhaustive. If you know of other community-based resources, please email Dr. Sadie Hedegard @
El Dorado County Mental Health Website
Big Brothers Big Sisters of El Dorado County, As the nation’s largest donor- and volunteer-supported mentoring network, Big Brothers Big Sisters makes meaningful, monitored matches between adult volunteers (“Bigs”) and children (“Littles”), ages 6 through 18, in our community.
New Morning Youth & Family Services, provides individual, family, and group therapy. Also provides access to an emergency youth shelter and drop-in services for youths in crisis (ages 6-17) seeking a safe place to stay.
hands4hope, supports youth development by providing opportunities in community service and encouraging youth to build relationships with other community-based agencies.
Snowline Hospice, provides peer-to-peer support groups for children, teens, and adults.
Choices for Children, Offers trauma informed care for families and children.
California Children’s Services
California Department of Education Family Involvement & Partnership
The California Parent and Youth Helpline provides support and resource referrals to parent and youth during the current COVID-19 pandemic, 7-days a week from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Call or text 1-855-4APARENT (855-427-2736) for services in English, Spanish and other languages.