State law assigns the school bus driver complete authority in operating the bus at all times. If for any reason, the driver determines that a student’s behavior is creating an unsafe situation on the bus, the district has the authority to deny transportation privileges.
To promote safety and well-being, the following rules are in effect:
Students shall:
Be at their bus stop and be ready for pick-up ten minutes before the bus is due.
Stand a safe distance back from the curb/road, line up single file, facing the street, when the bus approaches.
Wait for driver to tell students OK when it is safe to cross and walk in front of the bus between the driver and the bus.
Do as the bus driver says and obey the driver’s instructions.
Always use steps and handrails and never crowd or push when getting on or off the bus.
Eating, drinking, and chewing gum is prohibited. Plastic water bottles may be allowed.
Never stand, except to exit the bus, and remain seated, facing forward until the bus comes to a complete stop.
Never throw anything on the bus or out the bus window, or extend hands, arms, heads, or objects through bus windows.
Must have written permission, approved by the school, to ride another bus or get off at a stop other than their own. This must be done in advance.
Talk in normal tones; no screaming or yelling. No inappropriate language.
Students may be moved or assigned seats at any time to provide a safe situation for all riders.
Do not tamper with safety devices or damage the interior or exterior of the bus. Damaged property will be result in a fine.
Always treat the bus driver and fellow passengers with respect.
Prohibited items: Skateboards, scooters, balloons, glass containers, weapons, and other large bulky items.
TK/Kindergarten Students may not be left unattended or released without an authorized adult at the bus stop or by have a note on file. By registering students for home to school transportation, parents/guardians acknowledge all other grades have the ability to get themselves home.
No animals of any kind are allowed on the bus, except service animals.
Parents/Guardians shall:
Complete a bus application each year for each student
Review the bus rules with students
Follow safety practices at pick up and drop off
Never impede the bus in any fashion
Not board the bus without the express permission of the driver
Riding the school bus is a privilege and should be treated as such. Bus rules are for the safety of all those who ride the bus. Refusal to obey these rules shall forfeit the privilege to ride the school bus.
BUS DISCIPLINARY ACTION: Unfortunately, failure to behave appropriately can result in the loss of bus privileges. For a significant or recurring problems, the disciplinary procedures are as follows:
First Incident: Warning
Second Incident: Loss of riding privileges for 3 days
Third Incident: Loss of riding privileges for 5 days
Four Incident: Loss of riding privileges for 20 days
Fifth Incident: Loss of riding privileges for the remainder of school year.
*** Parents/Guardians will be notified of each incident. ***
Note to Parents/Guardians: When a pupil is denied transportation. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to provide transportation to and from school. Immediate suspension may be instituted for threatened or actual bodily harm or any other infraction of established rules that the District deems detrimental or hazardous to the safety of the bus, the driver, or passengers.